Whale Watching

Gray, Blue and Humpback Whales all migrate through the Santa Barbara Channel, breaching, spy hopping and spouting as they make their way up and down the coast. Seals and dolphins are abundant, and you may even see a dolphin pod with numbers over a hundred. The occasional Orca Whale and Basking Shark have also been spotted. There is some fluctuation from year-to-year, but generally the season breakdown is: Feb. through May, Gray Whales migrate northward, May through Sept./Oct., Humpbacks feed in the SB channel, June through Sept./Oct., Blue Whales feed in the SB channel, and Dec. through Jan., Gray Whales migrate southward. Several species of dolphins & pinnipeds are here year-round. We recommend The Condor Express. 805.896.7489,  condorexpress.com